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Home > Medical and Carer Certificates > What if the doctor decides not to give me a medical certificate?
What if the doctor decides not to give me a medical certificate?
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Occasionally, following your assessment, the doctor may decline your request for a medical certificate.

If the doctor declines your request for a medical certificate, please note that your fee booking fee will automatically be refunded. 


Why would a doctor refuse to issue a medical certificate?


In general, if a doctor has refused to issue a medical certificate, it will be for safety reasons:


  • If certain medical symptoms and conditions are present, which cannot be safely and thoroughly evaluated without a physical examination - this would include unexplained abdominal pain, unexplained headaches, unexpected weight loss, chest pain, shortness of breath, fevers, severe cough and severe sore throat, among numerous others.
  • Situations where a person appears to the doctor to be very unwell or distressed during the video consultation.
  • Unusual symptoms, or when symptoms are happening too frequently, getting worse or have been present for longer than expected.
  • Multiple requests for medical certificates over a short period of time.
  • Communication difficulties, such as a significant language barrier, which make it impossible for the doctor to obtain the information needed to make a safe, thorough assessment.
  • Lastly, if a patient is verbally rude or aggressive, a certificate may be declined (thankfully, this is extremely rare!) 


In all of these situations, the doctor may refuse to issue a medical certificate, and instead may advise the patient to present as soon as possible to a local doctor, medical centre or emergency department for further examination.

To find a GP or clinic near you, try searching in your area/ suburb via Healthshare. Alternatively, ask friends, family, or a local pharmacist or other healthcare professional, as they'll often be able to provide advice regarding medical practices, urgent care centres and emergency departments in your area.

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