Aug 16, 2022
At peak times it can be hard to avoid pollen, but here are a few sensible tips:
- If possible, try to stay indoors until after midday, particularly when the pollen count is high and on windy days
- Stay indoors during and just after thunderstorms, particularly if pollen counts are high. Information about pollen counts is available at
- If possible, get someone else to mow your lawn (if you must do it, wear a mask and take an antihistamine beforehand) and stay inside if it’s being mown.
- Keep windows closed both at home and in the car (use recirculating air conditioning in your car if you have it)
- Wear sunglasses when outdoors
- If landscaping your garden select plants that are less likely to trigger hayfever, and make sure none of the more troublesome types are growing near your bedroom window!
- Shower when you get home/after being outdoors