Aug 16, 2022
- The diagnosis is usually made by a doctor on the basis of typical symptoms and clinical examination.
- There are no specific tests
- Further investigations such as a brain scan and blood tests may be organised to rule out other causes.
- The diagnostic criteria for classical migraine are:
- (A) at least 5 attacks must have occurred over time, fulfilling B-D below
- (B) attacks last 4 to 72 hours (this includes episodes treated with medication or untreated)
- (C) Headaches have at least two of the following features:
- involve one side of the head
- pulsing or throbbing
- moderate to severe pain
- headache is worsened by routine physical activity
- (D) at least one of the following symptoms comes with the headache
- nausea and/or vomiting
- sensitivity to light (photophobia) or sensitivity to noise (phonophobia)
- (E) no other cause can be found for the headache
- The diagnostic criteria are a little different for other types- e.g if there is an aura, or the rarer Basilar, Hemiplegic and Ocular forms.